The hipster represents the more modern cutting edge of logging board design. Combining elements from boards like the ‘Pork Belly’ and the other ‘Pigs’ and Involvement type boards of the late 50’s and 60’s and fusing them with more modern logging styles to give you a more slimmed out version of the pig board style.
A little more kick in the tail along with a more modern slimmed outline and foil for the more modern logger make these boards more stylish and nimble than their predecessors.
The 50/50 rails remain the same but sit lower in the wave with a flatter roll in the bottom to give you far more trim speed than before. Perfect for small summer swells and sheltered points.
PU Surfboard Blank
4+6oz Glass Deck
Single 6oz Glass Bottom
FCS Fin Plugs
8'6, 9'1 & 9'6
Custom width & thickness depending on individual preferences.
Medium soft
Entry: Low
Exit: Low-Medium
Deck: 4+6oz
Bottom: Single 6oz

For more information on this surfboard, including custom sizes please call Mark on 07783467560 or use the custom order enquiry below.