All the rage at the moment we have the mid- twin fins. The twin bowl Wizard is one of the most intriguingly fun mid lengths we do. Super fast but still nice and loose and quick to turn. The twin Bowl glides in like a mid then rockets down the face like a twin. The channels in between the twin fins adding to the drivey feel of this board. Its balls to the wall speed oozing with style!!
Available in both PU and EPS tech flex constructions.
PU or EPS Surfboard Blank
6 + 4oz Glass Deck
Single 4oz Glass Bottom
FCS/ Futures Fin Plugs

6'10 - 7'6
Custom width & volume depending on individual preferences.
Entry: Low
Exit: Low-Medium
Deck: 6 + 4 oz
Bottom: Single 4oz or 6oz
For more information on this surfboard, including custom sizes please call Mark on 07783467560 or use the custom order enquiry below.