The Dora '66 model is a classic longboard shape back in the hay day of longboarding when guys like Miki Dora turned heads with their new style of riding. It has Mid to low nose rocker for easy wave catching and nose riding, with higher tail lift for good manoeuvrability. Single concave in the nose, slight roll in the mid section with ‘V’ in the tail.
The rails run from soft and high in the nose, to boxy in the tail. Becoming fuller through the middle to aid with paddling and stability. The Dora '66 model is an excellent high volume log which catches loads of waves when its small and is always ready to get you onto a bigger wave when the swell turns on. A classic all rounder longboard.
PU Surfboard Blank
Silmar resin
4+6oz Glass Deck
Single 6oz Glass Bottom
FCS Fin Plugs
9'1 & 9'6
Custom width & thickness depending on individual preferences.
Soft Full Rail
50/50 to 60/40
Entry: Low
Exit: Medium
Deck: 4+6oz
Bottom: Single 6oz

For more information on this surfboard, including custom sizes please call Mark on 07783467560 or use the custom order enquiry below.