Howzi Surfboards, a custom manufactured surfboard company based in South Wales, UK. The latest surfboard designs in modern progressive surfing, a mixture of old, new and 'alternative' concepts in Shortboards, Classic & Modern Fishes, Retro, Mini Simmons, Mini Mals and Longboards.
Howzi Surfboards are tried and tested by surfers to get feedback from all abilities that will help us to improve and suggest the best option for all levels of surfing. We research and test a wide range of surfboard designs at many surf spots throughout Wales, UK and internationally to ensure maximum performance and to provide a surfboard that is custom made to suit the surfer and their ability for specific surf conditions.
The Performance series has the most advanced combination of modern highly tuned surfboard features for those looking to take their surfing to the next level.

Designed to give you the best of both worlds, performance and ease of use, so you can make the most out of day to day conditions in the UK or abroad.
Blending features of both your all out performer boards with that of the grovellers to give you boards you can take to the beach with confidence they can handle pretty much most conditions.
The ideal weapons every UK surfer should have in the quiver. Designed to make the absolute most out of smaller waves, both weak or punchy. Wider, flatter and more generous volumes combined with a variety of high performance bottom contours to give you boards that can make junk surf into something to froth about.
Taking both old and new concepts and combining them to suit a range of conditions… we give you the Twins and Fishes. Ditch the back fin for a change and experience a new style and feeling of freedom, flow and speed!
Bored of the same. Take a look at the freak show, you’ll sh#t yourself!
Great range of boards for those looking for something smooth and easy to ride in most conditions.
Displace buckets loads of water whilst thundering down the line with one of the 'Big Chief' series. For anyone wanting a little more board than standard